Boston Workers' Compensation Lawyers

Attorney Peter Bellotti is a former union member. They understand union workers and working families in the Commonwealth. They are dedicated to helping those injured workers after a serious work injury.
What is Workers' Compensation?When a worker is injured in Massachusetts during the course of work, they deserve to be compensated for the damage they have suffered. The system of workers' compensation exists to minimize compensation delays and employer liability. A worker who is hurt on the job may be entitled to workers compensation benefits, regardless of fault. Workers' comp. insurance should cover related medical expenses, as well as lost wages. The amount of compensation you will receive is proportional to the amount of your lost wages and potential earning capacity. A workers' comp. lawyer will be able to answer any and all questions regarding your case, and evaluate your legal options. If you need assistance to collect compensation, contact a worker's comp. lawyer.
Bellotti Law Group's worker compensation attorneys are a professional legal team that has years of experience. Workers compensation insurance or self insurance is required for every company and/or organization under Massachusetts Law, c.152.
Any worker who has suffered from a work-related injury or illness due to an accident that occurs during employment is eligible for benefits. In the state of Massachusetts, the Department of Industrial Accidents (DIA) supervises the administration of workers' compensation laws. Our workers' compensation attorney will appear before The Department of Industrial Accidents and deal with any disputes if your claim is rejected.
What Should I Do Following Work Related Injuries?If you have suffered a work injury, or you have a disease contracted from working, you should file a workers' compensation claim. If you need emergency medical attention, see a doctor immediately. Otherwise, you should first provide a notice of your injury to your employer. If you don't provide your employer with a written notice immediately, an insurance company can claim your injury is not work related. After notifying your employer, seek medical attention for your injuries if you have not already.
In Massachusetts, if you have been out of work for 5 or more days due to your accident, your employer is required to file an incident report of your workplace injuries to their insurance company and the Department of Industrial Accidents. Your employer notifying the insurer starts the workers compensation process. Talk to a workers' compensation attorney for a free consultation about workers' comp. cases at 617-225-2100.
Obtaining Medical TreatmentIf you have suffered an on the job injury, you should seek medical attention. Do not go back to work and ignore your injuries. Treatment for your injuries is important for healing. Additionally, seeking treatment as soon as you are injured greatly increases your chances of obtaining workers' compensation. Workers' compensation coverage extends to all medical costs related to the workplace accident.
Many injuries can worsen over time. Prompt medical treatment is necessary to treat these injuries. If you do not seek immediate medical attention, workers' compensation insurance companies can deny your claim by saying that your injury didn't occur at work. This makes it difficult for successes with workers' compensation claims. A doctor's appointment creates a record of your injury, and can be used as evidence in a worker compensation hearing. This medical documentation increases your chances of having a successful worker's compensation claim.
Your employer has the right to choose a doctor or medical provider for your initial evaluation. The final decision of who treats your injury is up to you. If your treatment is reasonable and necessary, you can choose your doctor and be reimbursed for your medical expenses.
How Long Do I Have to File a Workers' Compensation Claim?When you have notified your employer of your workplace injury, your employer has one week to notify the insurance company that your injury has occurred. The insurance company has 14 to 30 days to send a notice to the injured employee that they have accepted or rejected the claim. If your claim has been rejected, or your employer didn't notify the worker compensation company in time, you can file a claim with the Massachusetts DIA. This is a complex process, and it is best to have an experienced attorney on your side to help you receive the benefits you deserve. Contact an attorney at Bellotti Law Group P.C. today.
What is the Workers Compensation Appeal Claims Process in Massachusetts?In cases where workers' comp. claims are denied, the employer’s insurer will send you a notification of denial. Injured workers who receive this notification will see a list of reasons for their claim's denial. Common reasons for a denied claim include improper paperwork, lack of medical evidence, and failing to report on time. If you have received a notification of denial, you have 4 years to appeal your claim from the day of receiving the notification. If your workers’ comp. claim has been denied, speak with an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer immediately. A workers' comp. attorney will work towards recovering workers' compensation benefits.
A workers' comp. attorney will help you pursue benefits for your accident. Insurance companies have legal teams on their side in order to try to pay you as little money as possible. The appeals process contains several stages: a conciliation, a conference, and in some cases, a hearing. Your lawyer will be able to navigate these stages and speak on your behalf. You deserve fair compensation for workplace injury, and the workers’ compensation lawyers at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. have over 38 years of experience with workers’ compensation claims. Contacting a lawyer greatly increased your chances of a successful claim. Call 617-225-2100 for a free consultation.
The Conciliation in Workers' Compensation CasesConciliation is a meeting that occurs a few weeks after you have filed your claim. It is a non-binding mediation with an insurance company. The goal of the meeting is to have both you and the insurance company reach an agreement before meeting with a judge.
The meeting consists of you, an attorney or claims adjuster from the insurance company, and a conciliator from the DIA. The insurance company will most likely have an attorney at the conciliation. You should contact a lawyer at our law firm, Bellotti Law Group P.C. to make sure your interests are protected.
At the conciliation meeting, you should bring your complete medical records. The conciliator will examine the records and ask both parties any questions they have. After that, both sides will submit their “last best offer” to reach a compromise. Both parties must agree for a settlement to be reached. The conciliator doesn't have the power to order or deny compensation for you. If both sides cannot reach an agreement, the case will be scheduled for a conference. This could take up to several months for the conference to occur, depending on how many cases the DIA are working on.
The Conference for Workers' Compensation CasesThe conference is a formal meeting, where both you and the insurance company submits evidence to an Administrative Judge. The Administrative Judge (AJ) reviews the information, and questions both parties. The AJ has the authority to order or deny workers' compensation. After the AJ considers the evidence and testimonies of the parties, they will issue a temporary order to give or deny benefits.
In many cases, the AJ will choose between the “last best offer” made by both parties at the conciliation, and choose one of those offers. If you or the insurance company disagrees with the order, there is a 14 day window for either party to appeal and request a hearing. The assistance of an experienced workers' compensation attorney will ensure compliance with DIA appeal requirements, and improves your odds of success.
The Workers' Compensation HearingThe compensation hearing occurs a few months after the conference. The hearing is a trial, and the process is much more formal than previous court proceedings. Although you are allowed to represent yourself in this hearing, it is unwise to not have an attorney at your side.
The hearing is similar to a civic trial. There are procedural rules for hearings that are outlined in M.G.L. c. 152, Section 11. It is important to have an experienced attorney on your side, that understands Massachusetts Rules of Evidence and can ensure that both you and the other party complies with these rules. A workers' compensation lawyer can assist you with your case and can ensure that you properly object or respond to the other party.
The hearing starts with opening statements, and then the calling of witnesses. The witness answers questions presented to them by both parties. Each side has the ability to refute damaging evidence before closing arguments are given. After the closing arguments, the judge makes a final decision. The judge's decision could take months, but you will be notified by mail of the judge's decision.
If you lose the hearing, you have 30 days since the decision to appeal to the Reviewing Board. This board consists of 3 administrative judges. The hearing process is complex, and representing yourself is difficult in these cases. Insurance companies will fight hard to avoid paying you. Hire a workers' comp. lawyer at Bellotti Law Group P.C. to help you today.
What Should I Do In Cases of Employer Retaliation?You might be worried that your employer will retaliate against you for reporting situations where you were injured on the job. If your employer intentionally caused you harm for filing a workers' compensation claim, this retaliation would be grounds for filing another type of action, that you should discuss with one of our experienced attorneys at Bellotti Law Group, P.C.
Injuries Covered Under Massachusetts Workers' CompensationThe Workers' Compensation Act covers almost all employees. If an injury occurred at work, most employers must have workers' compensation insurance to cover injured employees. Common types of on the job injury include:
- Obvious injuries or trauma
- Diseases / Illnesses (i.e. COPD, Cancer, Hepatitis, COVID-19)
- Mental/emotional illnesses
- Scarring or Disfigurement
- Repetitive motion injuries
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Injuries involving construction workers
- Injuries involving railroad workers
The insurance company will want to know everything about your injury when you are applying for worker compensation benefits. The majority of injuries should be covered, as long as they occurred while you were on the clock and conducting the duties of your job. If an injury occurred on the job in Boston, and you are now dealing with the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), clinical depression, debilitating anxiety, or other mental health problems arising from the injury you suffered, you should also be covered by workers' compensation for these issues.
You can be covered by workers' compensation benefits for work-related illnesses. For example, if you work in the construction industry, and have been repeatedly exposed to asbestos and developed mesothelioma, the worker compensation coverage that your employer carries should kick in to cover you.
If you are struggling from a pre-existing condition that has nothing to do with your work position, if you violated the company's code of conduct when you were hurt, or if you were under the influence of drugs or alcohol you may still be eligible for workers compensation benefits.
Types of Workers' Compensation BenefitsThe following is a list of types of benefits under the workers' compensation system.
Temporary Total DisabilityIf you suffer from a work-related injury and you aren't able to perform your job for 5 days, you are entitled to TTD cash benefits. The rate for payment is 60% of your average weekly wage. Payment can reach up to the maximum of 100% of the statewide average weekly wage, which was $1,431.66 on October 1, 2019. TTD benefits are payable for a maximum of 165 weeks.
Partial DisabilityIf you are able to return to work after a work-related illness or injury, but can only perform some work (light duty), you are considered partially disabled. If you are partially disabled, you are entitled to 75% of the difference between your average weekly wage before the injury and your average weekly wage or earning capacity after your partial disability.
Permanent and Total DisabilityIf you remain totally disabled from your former work, as well as any other work, you may seek permanent and total disability benefits for life. If granted, you will receive 66% percent of your weekly wage, up to the maximum of the statewide average. You may also be entitled to annual cost of living allowance.
Disfigurement and/or Loss of FunctionMany workplace accidents result in a disfigured or loss of function of a body part. This includes permanent scars around a person’s neck or face, as well as losing the function of an arm, leg, eye, or other body parts. The amount of compensation depends on the specifics of the case. Speak with a workers' comp. attorney for free consultation at 617-225-2100.
Death BenefitsSome workplace accidents tragically result in the wrongful death of a loved one. Families of deceased workers can access 60 percent of the workers’ average weekly wage. Funeral expenses, medical costs, and other expenses may be covered, depending on the circumstances of your case. Contact a workers' comp. lawyer to review your own case, and to find out your options. Call 617-225-2100 for a free consultation.
What are Lump Sum Settlements?Insurers or employers may propose a lump sum settlement to resolve your case. A lump sum settlement is a contract between you, the insurer, and sometimes, your employer. This settlement is a one time payment, and may result in the forfeiture of other benefits. There is a lawful assumption that for every $1,500 you receive, you will be incapable of working for one month. Lump sum settlements might be right for you, but they require careful review from a lawyer that is working to protect you. A workers' comp lawyer will help ensure that a settlement agreement for your case is reached and that you receive a fair settlement. Contact a lawyer at Bellotti Law Group P.C. for an experienced workers compensation lawyer to help you!
Can I Still Receive Workers' Compensation After Getting a New Job?It is possible to find new work after receiving workers' compensation without completely losing your benefits. The type and amount of benefits you receive may change. The amount of money you receive from workers' compensation may be reduced in proportion to your new income. If you are making more money than you did before your accident, you can lose your entire worker's compensation income. However, your medical treatments for your work injuries should still be covered. If you have found a new job, but still need workers' compensation benefits, contact a lawyer at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. to help you today.
Hire a Workers Compensation AttorneyAn injured worker may have numerous questions to ask our Massachusetts compensation lawyers when a workplace injury occurs. You might have questions about your injury issues, your capacity to earn an income moving forward, and also about your right to benefits. Our workers' compensation attorneys understand these circumstances.
A workers' compensation lawyer at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. can explain your rights and choices after a workplace injury. We can help you file all workers' compensation claims. We can explain the benefits provided by workers' compensation, the potential for a third-party liability claim, time limits after a workplace injury, and other ways to protect your rights after a workplace injury.
If you are an injured worker, you may be concerned about getting proper medical care, paying for that care on top of other living costs, and about the future of your job. No one expects to get injured on the job. Being out of work, dealing with an injury, and trying to go up against an insurance provider can be extremely stressful and almost impossible to navigate.
The Bellotti Law Group, P.C. Can HelpContact a Boston workers compensation lawyer at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. We help represent all clients throughout Massachusetts. Our team has been regarded as one of the best in the state largely because, in addition to our tremendous record of success in cases involving workers compensation law, we emphasize a strong attorney client relationship. We have expertise at all stages of conferences, hearings, and appeals in the worker compensation process. Beginning with a free consultation, we will plan your case and make sure that you have the best chance of success.
We Serve All Counties in MassachusettsWe serve clients throughout Massachusetts including:
- Barnstable County
- Berkshire County
- Bristol County
- Dukes County
- Essex County
- Franklin County
- Hampden County
- Hampshire County
- Middlesex County
- Nantucket County
- Norfolk County
- Plymouth County
- Suffolk County
- Worcester County
Our firm has successfully argued and settled claims with all the major workers' compensation insurance companies in Massachusetts:
- Sedgwick
- Atlantic Charter
- Travelers Insurance
- Liberty Mutual
- Gallagher Bassett
- Great Divide Insurance
- Zurich Insurance
- Atlantic Charter
- Travelers Insurance
- The Hartford
- Boston: 2 Avenue de Lafayette, Boston, MA 02111-1750
- Fall River: 30 Third Street, Fall River, MA 02720
- Lawrence: 160 Winthrop Avenue, Lawrence, MA 01843
- Springfield: 436 Dwight Street, Room 105, Springfield, MA 01103
- Worcester: 340 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01609
Many injured workers receive automatic approval of their workers' comp. claims. However, they find out that 180 days later, after the Pay Without Prejudice Period has ended, that their benefits are cut off. If you still need the wage and benefits for related medical bills, or your injuries have not healed, contact the experienced workers' comp. lawyers at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. The workers' compensation system is complex, and a workers' compensation attorney is crucial in the success of your claim.
Seek Out a Workers' Comp. Lawyer, Bellotti Law Group, P.C., is Known Throughout Boston, and Massachusetts, as a Friend to Workers and Unions
Our Boston workers compensation attorneys at the Bellotti Law Group, P.C. pride themselves on achieving a high level of success through a simple, yet effective approach: a client-centered approach that is focused on the client's objectives. When you or a loved one has a workers comp claim as a result of a work-related accident, it is no question one of the most stressful experiences one can have, especially if wages are lost.
When we receive workers' comp. matters at the Bellotti Law Group, P.C., we don't evaluate them based on how large or small the case is or whether the size of the potential recovery is large. Rather, we look at every case as an opportunity to advocate and fight for you and your family and get you the justice that you truly deserve in the most effective way possible. This is the client-centered approach, this is the Bellotti Law Group, P.C.
If you have been injured at work, Bellotti Law Group, P.C. can ensure you receive fair treatment by your employer and your employer's insurance company. We can help you secure the financial support you need.
An accident at work can be traumatic and painful. If you or a loved one has been hurt on the job, it is important to protect yourself and talk to an experienced workers compensation attorney in Massachusetts. However, the claims process is complicated. One error can result in denial of claims, denial of treatment, or even termination of employment.
If you have a Boston workers compensation case, speak with a Boston workers' compensation attorney at the Bellotti Law Group, P.C. We have over 38 years of expertise in dealing with these cases. A workers' compensation attorney is prepared to help clients and their families receive the financial compensation they deserve after a work-related injury. The medical costs for workers injured on the job should be covered by workers' comp. insurance.
If you're a Massachusetts employee who has been injured on the job, you need to know your legal rights. Fortunately, Bellotti Law Firm, P.C. is here to help. Our team of experienced workers' compensation lawyers near you are dedicated to helping injured workers receive the compensation they deserve.
As one of the top workplace injury law firms in Massachusetts, we have the knowledge and expertise necessary to navigate the complex workers' compensation system on behalf of our clients. Our workers' compensation law firm has helped countless injured workers recover lost wages, medical expenses, and other damages resulting from workplace injuries.
If you're located in Quincy, our team of Quincy workers' compensation attorneys is here to help you. Our Quincy workers' compensation lawyers have extensive experience representing injured workers in the area, and we're ready to help you too. We understand that navigating the workers' compensation system can be overwhelming, especially when you're trying to recover from your injuries. That's why we're here to help you every step of the way.
At Bellotti Law Firm, P.C., our priority is always representing injured workers. We're committed to providing our clients with compassionate and personalized legal representation. If you need a Quincy workers' compensation attorney, don't hesitate to contact us today. We offer a free consultation, so you can discuss your case with us and learn more about how we can help you get the compensation you deserve.
Through workers' compensation, you can secure coverage for your medical bills and a portion of your lost wages. If your injury was caused by someone other than your employer, you may have a "third-party liability claim," in addition to qualifying for a standard workers' compensation claim.
Call Us. We are Here to Help!Navigating the complex world of workers' compensation can be a daunting task for those who have suffered a personal injury. Workers' compensation law firms are invaluable resources that specialize in helping victims understand their rights and obtain the benefits they deserve. When searching for assistance, if you have been searching on google for a “workers' comp lawyer near me”, you should know that Bellotti Law Group, P.C. covers workers’ compensation throughout Massachusetts. Trying to search for a “workers' comp attorneys near me” online can be difficult, and you should know that our attorneys can make all the difference in securing the compensation and support needed for both your recovery and peace of mind.
If you were hurt at work, contact our law office to speak with a lawyer who can help you obtain the benefits you need. Contact Bellotti Law Group, P.C. via phone 617-225-2100, or contact us online by completing our brief contact form. We have experienced attorneys licensed to practice in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island.
Free ConsultationWe offer free consultations. There will be NO legal fees unless we are successful.