RMV Suspensions & Hearings

Your license can be suspended or revoked due to the accumulation of both minor and major offenses, including civil and criminal violations. The following is a list of events that trigger further suspensions and RMV hearings:
- Three speeding tickets: If you receive 3 speeding tickets within 12 months of each other, there is a mandatory 30 day suspension of your license, pursuant to M.G.L. c. 90, s. 20. The most recent finding/conviction date determines the 12-month period.
- Three surchargeable events: Sticking with the rule of "threes," accumulating any combination of 3 moving violations and/or surchargeable events within a 24-month period will result in the requirement of a driver's retraining course, and if not completed, a suspended license. The accuracy of the drivers' record can be contested before an RMV hearings officer, but note, even reported out-of-state events count. Further, for this suspension, no hardship license is allowed. A "three surchargeable event violation" requires the offender to complete a Driver Retraining Course within 90 days of the RMV notification to avoid suspension. If the driver fails to complete the course, license will be suspended until it is completed and a $100 reinstatement fee is paid. You must complete the course each time you get a third surchargeable event within two years.
- Five surchargeable events: If you accrue five moving violations and/or surchargeable events within a three year period, pursuant to MGL c175, s113B the offending driver must complete an in-person (not online) Driver Retraining Program through the National Safety Council (NSC). If the course is taken before the 90 days, the suspension will not go into effect. However, if the course is not completed within 90 days, the suspension will take effect.
- Seven surchargeable events: Seven in three years results in a mandatory 60-day suspension. Once finished, a $100 reinstatement fee will be imposed.
- Habitual traffic offender: If you accrue a total of three major moving violations or any combination of 12 major or minor moving violations within a five year period, Massachusetts law mandates a four-year suspension of your license. Once the suspension period is finished, you will be required to take a full driver's license exam and pay a $500 reinstatement fee.
Obviously, avoiding convictions of both minor and major offenses will have a drastic effect on any suspension/revocation action undertaken by the RMV. Don't face the system alone. Trust the experienced and successful Boston traffic lawyers at Bellotti Law Group, P.C. to present the best case possible on your behalf. Call us today at 617-225-2100 for a free consultation.